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All In One Effects Plugin Bundle - Final Cut Pro

The biggest Final Cut Pro Effects Plugin bundle!

Whats included:

60+ Final Cut Pro Effect Plugins

- Light Ray Effects 

- Replicator Effects

- Effects Expansion Pack

- Liquefy Effects
- Mask Glow Effects

- Chromatic Distortion Effects

- Pixel Scan Effects

- Luma Glow Effects
- New Wave Plugin Bundle Effects
- Vision Bundle Effects

- Halation Effects
- Outline Effects

- Hologram Effect

- Sharpen Effects

- Offset Effects
- Flip Effects
- Animated Letterbox Effects
- Shake Effects
- Smooth Skin Effect
- 8mm Film Effects
- Pixel Sorting Effects
- TOBK Glitch Effects
- VHS Effects
- Pixel Sorting Effects
- CC Lens Effects
- Glint Glow effect
- Polar Effect 
- Ultimate RGB Split Plugin
- Screen Pump Pro
- Glitch Effects

$600+ Value! Save over $300+ with this bundle!

Used by some of the best Youtubers, Travel influencers and Filmmakers in the industry!

Heres a TUTORIAL on how to INSTALL plugins to FCPX

System Requirements:

- FCP X 10.6.4 or above

Does this include updates of new products? 
Yes, however any new products released after purchase will not be included.

© All Rights Reserved Ryan Nangle

*Not for resale or sharing
*No refunds, all sales are final

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